Here’s What a Great Business Attorney Can Accomplish

The right attorney for your business can be much more than a “checklist” lawyer.  Our firm believes that great business attorneys will lift up companies in countless ways that go beyond simply drafting contracts and defending clients in court. While those are two important functions, we are proud to fulfill many more roles for our clients. 

We Can Empathize With Our Clients

Firms like Sage Business Counsel are, at their core, also small and mid-sized businesses. We thoroughly understand contemporary challenges and opportunities facing many companies. If you and your team are working through an issue or trying to figure out a solution for your company, it is likely that, at some point, we have encountered the same issue. While we are always happy to speak with your team about your company’s legal state of affairs, we are just as prepared to provide strategic advice about the company’s short- and long-term trajectory. 

Sage Business Counsel has helped companies in a wide variety of fields meet the ambitious objectives laid out by founders and executives. Our team has an institutional knowledge of many emerging industries. Ultimately, our firm is a repository of countless innovative business ideas and creative ways of getting companies from A to B. 

Identifying Hidden Issues and Potential Roadblocks

It’s impossible to know everything about starting a business. Those running a startup in high-growth and emerging industries don’t often have a surplus of time to figure things out on their own. As prepared as your enterprise is to make it through those fragile first few months, there’s always room for relevant guidance and suggestions. Something about your company that may not be apparent can be identified by a skilled business attorney with experience analyzing foreseeable risks in other companies. 

From General Counsel to General Advisor

The value-add from a firm like Sage Business Counsel is that our team truly wants to become advisors for companies that need legal services and general advice. Business attorneys are not just “super nerds” who sit in dark, tucked-away offices to write contracts and respond to lawsuits. Our goal is to help companies reach goals and objectives in cost-effective and efficient ways.

Ultimately, the legal team at Sage Business Counsel is more than just business counsel. Many entrepreneurs view attorneys as commodities, which is often justified based on their past experiences with business lawyers. We’re happy to stick to technical functions like setting up corporate infrastructure, but our passion is becoming true advisors for our clients and helping their businesses get to the desired destination.

The team at Sage Business Counsel is ready to speak with you and your colleagues about elevating your enterprise to the next level. Please call us at (678) 825-4525 to set up an appointment today.

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