3 marketing strategies to show your audience you love them

Like love, marketing makes the world go round. As business owners, we understand the importance of marketing when it comes to closing deals. Aside from driving new business, strong marketing strategies can also help you cultivate meaningful relationships with your audiences.

The result? A tenfold return on investment through client referrals and strong conversion rates across marketing channels.

But when you’re short on time, it’s easy to neglect your marketing strategy and simply hope for the best. Some business owners have taken shortcuts in an attempt to keep their marketing efforts alive, relying on conversational artificial intelligence (AI) tools to develop marketing content for their brands.

These marketing strategies can help you cultivate meaningful relationships with your audiences, leading to a strong return on investment.  

Taking the easy route can come with disastrous side effects, however — from cutting your conversion rates to obliterating your website’s SEO efforts

Instead of taking shortcuts, we recommend investing time into developing and executing your marketing strategies. Marketing is one of the most powerful tools to show your audiences you truly care about them while asserting your leadership in your industry.

Check out these three marketing strategy ideas to get started:

1. Skip AI platforms and write content from the heart instead 

Chances are you’ve heard about conversational AI platforms like ChatGPT. These tools can generate content for a variety of purposes, from taglines and social media posts for businesses to college essays and research papers for students

While conversational AI platforms may seem appealing at first glance (imagine “writing” a blog post in just a few minutes!), they also come with a host of problems:

  1. First, the content generated by these platforms typically sounds awkward and disjointed. Computers still can’t write as well as humans, lacking the capability to bring text to life with real-life examples, proper grammar, convincing literary techniques and more. That may change in the future, but at this moment in time, AI-written text remains amateurish at best. 
  2. Second, many conversational AI platforms generate content by pulling copy from other websites, putting you at risk of plagiarism. That’s one legal challenge you definitely want to avoid as it may cause your audiences to question your brand’s values and reputation (not to mention the financial implications).
  3. Third, search engines like Google have algorithms in place to identify and penalize websites that publish AI-written content. Beyond the negative impact these penalties have on your website’s search rankings, they also make it that much more difficult for your audiences to find your website and learn more about your business.

For these reasons and more, we highly recommend developing marketing content from the heart.

You’re in business because you offer a unique solution to your audience’s needs. No AI content generation tool can develop marketing messaging that captures the knowledge and expertise you bring to the table.

2. Put your audience first by providing value

Building on the previous marketing tip, draw upon your own knowledge and experiences with clients to develop marketing content that solves your audience’s questions and needs ahead of time. You know your target audience’s pain points better than anyone else, so roll up those sleeves and write content that speaks directly to your customers’ minds and hearts. 

Your messaging and content should provide audiences with solutions to solve their pain points. Providing solutions in their time of need builds trust in your brand, opening the door for prospects to reach out to you for more information — or better yet, a discovery call. 

For example, if you run an IT business, you may consider building a phishing checklist that employers can share with employees to evaluate the validity of questionable emails. Or, if you run a real estate firm, you may want to write a blog post or record a video explaining how refinancing works to educate new homebuyers concerned about increasing interest rates. 

Expert Tip: Avoid sharing spammy content (i.e., presenting your business’s products or services as the only solutions to a challenge). Audiences can see right through it, diminishing your chances of converting them into customers.

We know your time is limited as a business owner, so you may not have the luxury to create all of your marketing strategies and content by yourself. That’s when hiring a marketing professional or agency comes in handy. 

If you take this route, make sure to work with your new hire or agency to develop a marketing strategy that imparts your expertise in ways that resonate with your audience. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, so it’s important to take the strategy phase seriously.

3. Protect your audience’s data — and let them know you care

Another way to show your love for your audiences is by implementing a robust data privacy strategy that safeguards your customers’ information. 

With 63% of Internet users believing most companies aren’t transparent about how their data is used, and 48% having stopped shopping with a company because of privacy concerns, it’s critical for businesses to put solid data privacy measures in place (Source: Tableau). 

After implementing your data privacy strategy, impart your dedication to protecting your customers’ data in your marketing messaging. Customers want to know their information is safe and secure, and communicating your efforts to prioritize data privacy can build trust in your brand.

Love is the answer to running a successful business

What do all of these marketing strategies have in common? They convey your love for your audiences in meaningful ways. 

We love empowering our clients to grow their teams and build their businesses through the 5 Pillars of Sound Business:

  1. Sales & Marketing
  2. Production & Delivery
  3. Human Resources
  4. Ownership & Management
  5. Financial Controls

Download our free resource to learn more about these pillars and get tips to develop a strategic plan that moves your business forward. 

You’re also welcome to reach out to us for a complimentary consultation to discover how we can help you achieve your specific goals. 

Whatever you choose to do, remember to always lead with love!

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